3 Balance Exercises That Will Help You Avoid Injuries Later in Life
You may be doing strength and/or cardio exercises but are you doing balance exercises in your regular workouts? If not, you may want to start. Research suggests that balance exercises provide a myraid of benefits like, strength, stability, coordination, sports performance, pain relief, and injury prevention. Balance exercises increase your proprioception which is the ability to know where your body is in space. (source).
The personal trainers at Tampa Strength frequently incorporate balance exercises into clients’ personal training programs. Many of the workout programs they create, for both in-person or online clients, include movements that aim to improve the strength & stability of the muscle groups in the core, legs, and feet. The following videos highlight 3 specific movements from Tampa Strength’s personal training program that improve balance.
Single Leg RDL with Rotation
Setup in a square stance. Perform a single-leg hinge with your left leg, reaching your right hand towards your left foot and your left hand towards the ceiling. Hold the hinge position for a few seconds then return to single-leg balance with your left foot off the ground. Repeat the sequence 5-10 times on each side.
Single Leg Balance with Lat Pull Downs
Setup in a square stance and hold a golf club in both hands directly overhead. Bring your right knee to waist height and maintain single-leg balance. While maintaining balance, pull the club down behind your head 5 times. Switch legs, maintain balance, and perform 5 pull-downs with your left foot off the ground.
Skater Jumps
Stand on your left foot and raise your right knee to waist level. Jump laterally to the right landing on your right foot only. Maintain your balance for 2 seconds then jump laterally to your left landing on your left foot only. Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps.
These movements improve the strength & stability of the muscle groups in the core, legs, and feet.
If you’re ready to experience how Tampa Strength’s customized workout programs can benefit you, stop by our South Tampa personal training studio. Call 813-731-2901 to schedule your complimentary movement assessment and workout.