3 Exercises that can Help Prevent Shoulder Pain
Research suggests that shoulder pain is the third most common ailment worldwide behind lower back and knee pain. Shoulder pain can limit an individual’s participation in physical activities associated with their employment and/or hobbies. One study on shoulder pain suggested that the monetary cost associated with shoulder pain, which included money spent or lost on initial & secondary healthcare and sick leave, was over $5000 per year (source).
One physical issue that can intensify shoulder pain is poor mobility in the spine and shoulders. The personal trainers at Tampa Strength frequently incorporate spine & shoulder mobility movements into clients’ personal training programs. Every workout program they create, for both in-person or online clients, includes movements that aim to improve the mobility and/or stability of the spine and shoulder joints. The following videos highlight 3 specific movements from Tampa Strength’s personal training program that improve spine & shoulder mobility.
Shoulder CARs from Hinge Position
Setup with feet about shoulder width apart then hinge at the hips till your chest is pointed towards the floor. Slowly raise one arm in front of your body with your palm facing your ear. Once you reach your anterior end range, slowly turn your palm away from your ear and continue rotating your arm to your posterior end range. Reverse the direction of the rotation and return the hand to the starting position. Make sure you keep your chest pointed towards the floor throughout the movement. Complete 3-5 shoulder CARs on each arm.
Mini Band Wall Clock
Place a mini resistance band on your wrists and put your hands flat on the wall. Reach your right arm to the 2, 3, and 4 o’clock positions. Then, reach your left arm to the 10, 9, and 8 o’clock positions. Maintain an standing plank position and keep your arms fully extended during the entire movement. Perform 5 repetitions on each arm.
Kneeling Windmill with Tspine Opener
Set up in a half-kneeling position with your left knee down next to the wall. Have your right foot flat on the ground approximately 12″ away from the wall. Use the inside of your right knee to hold a yoga block on the wall. Keeping your left hand on the wall, trace a circle over the top of your head till your upper body rotates 180 degrees. Bring your left arm back to the starting position then perform a Tspine rotation using your right arm. Repeat both movements 5 times before setting up facing the opposite direction. Make sure to follow the arm that moves with your eyes.
These movements enhance the strength, mobility, and flexibility needed to avoid shoulder pain.
Whether it be in-person or online through the Tampa Strength App, call 813-731-2901 to learn more about all the golf fitness training opportunities Tampa Strength has to offer.