3 Exercises That Will Improve Your Grip Strength & Longevity

It may sound ridiculous but having a firm handshake may help you live longer. Recent studies suggest that grip strength is a crucial biomarker for older adults. In fact, research suggests that individuals with poor grip strength tend to have weaker immune systems, are at a higher risk for chronic diseases, and can be more susceptible to common mental health issues such as depression. One geriatric medicine specialist states that “people who maintain their grip strength age more slowly. They stay healthier longer and are stronger throughout their bodies” (source).

The personal trainers at Tampa Strength frequently incorporate grip strength exercises into clients’ personal training programs. Many of the workout programs they create, for both in-person or online clients, include movements that aim to improve the strength & flexibility of the muscle groups in the hand and forearm. The following videos highlight 3 specific movements from Tampa Strength’s personal training program that improve grip strength.

Dumbbell Waiters Carry

Grab two dumbbells, approximately 10-15 lbs each, with both hands and hold them out in front of your chest at about eye height. Begin walking deliberately as possible, squeezing the handles of the weights and maintaining a 90-degree angle with your arms. Walk forward approximately 10-15 feet then walk backwards to your starting position. Minimize any overextension in your back or swinging of the arms. Repeat movement for the desired number of sets.

Kettlebell Half Kneeling Bottoms Up Overhead Press

Set up in the half kneeling position with your right knee on the floor and your left foot out in front. Grab a kettlebell with your right hand and position it so the bottom of it is pointed at the ceiling. Maintaining a strong grip, perform a bottoms-up overhead press with your right arm.  Minimize any overextension in your back or movement in your lower body. Complete 5-10 reps with the right arm then switch arms.

Kettlebell One Arm Swing

Grab a 20-25 lb kettlebell with your right hand. Perform a hip hinge and place the kettlebell on the floor in front of you.  You should be in a position that is similar to a center in football ready to hike the ball. Pull the kettlebell between your legs while maintaining a strong hinge position then drive your feet into the floor and swing the kettlebell out in front of you as you stand up. Once the kettlebell is about sternum height, and your body is fully contracted, perform another hip hinge and pull the kettlebell back between your legs. Complete 5-10 swings with each arm.


tampa personal training

These movements enhance the strength and flexibility needed to improve grip strength and lengthen your life.

If you’re ready to experience how Tampa Strength’s customized workout programs can benefit you, stop by our South Tampa personal training studio. Call 813-731-2901 to schedule your complimentary movement assessment and workout.

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