4 Exercises That Will Help You Maintain Strong Hips at Any Age
The importance of maintaining mobile and strong hips cannot be understated. In his book on longevity, Dr. Peter Attia stated “that up to one-third of people over sixty-five who fracture their hip are dead within a year” (source). Older individuals are not the only demographic who can benefit from stretching and strengthening the muscles surrounding their hips.
Approximately 2o different muscles allow the hips to execute everyday activities like sitting, standing, walking, and running. These muscles also significantly impact our posture, balance, and coordination. That is why we love incorporating exercises that improve the flexibility, mobility, and strength of the muscles that support the hips into our clients’ training programs at our South Tampa Studio. The following videos showcase four specific exercises that you can do today to help maintain strong hips at any age.
90/90 Rotations
Sitting on the floor, set up your legs in the 90/90 position. The heel of the lead leg should be in line with the knee of the trail leg. Pivoting on the big toe of your back leg, lift the knee as far as you can till the opposite knee comes off the ground, and you transition the 90/90 to the opposite side. Perform 10 total reps while holding the end range of each movement for approximately 5 seconds.
Single leg RDL
Setup in a square stance. Perform a single-leg hinge with your left leg, reaching your right hand towards a target. Hold the hinge position for a few seconds then return to single-leg balance with your left foot off the ground. Repeat the sequence 5-10 times on each side.
Mini Band Hydrants
Setup in a quadruped position (hands and knees). Place a medium or hard resistance mini band above both knees. Keeping your arms screwed into the ground, externally abduct one leg. Perform 10 reps then switch legs.
Hamstring March
Set up in the supine (on your back) position on the ground and push your heels into the ground to elevate your butt & lower back. Keeping your butt & lower back off the ground, march your knees, one at a time towards your belly. Repeat for the desired number of reps.
These 4 exercises will improve the flexibility, mobility, and strength you need to maintain strong hips at any age. Adjust the resistance you use based on your fitness level.
If you’re ready to experience more hip focused exercises, stop by our South Tampa personal training studio. Call 813-731-2901 to schedule your complimentary movement assessment and workout.