4 Ways to Correct Early Extension In Your Golf Swing
A common golf swing fault that plagues a significant portion of golfers with a high handicap is early extension. Early extension occurs when the hips and spine of a golfer start moving toward the ball too early in their downswing. If that wasn’t bad enough, golfers that early extend during their golf swing typically have lower back pain.
One physical issue that can contribute to early extension during the golf swing is poor core control. Core control movements are a key portion of the Tampa Strength golf fitness program. Every workout we create, for both our in-person or online clients, includes movements that aim to improve a golfer’s ability to maintain a strong & stable core during their swing. The following videos highlight 4 specific movements from our golf fitness program that improve core control.
Reverse Lunge to Hip Opener
Setup with feet about hip with apart. Lift your right knee to waist level, rotate (abduction) the knee to the right, step back into a reverse lunge, and then bring the knee back up in front of the right hip. Repeat the sequence on the left leg. Perform 5-10 reps of each movement on each leg.
Kettlebell Offset Carry
Grab a heavy weight with your left hand and hold it near your left hip pocket. Squeezing the handle of the weight, begin walking as deliberately as possible. Walk approximately 10-15 feet then turn 180 degrees and return to your starting position. Minimize any side bending or swinging of the arms. Repeat movement using the other hand for the desired number of sets.
Lateral Bear Crawl Underswitch to Crab Reach
Set up in the quad ped (hands & knees) position and lift your knees 1 inch off the ground. Moving opposite hand and foot, crawl laterally 10 ft to the left. Perform an underswitch by lifting your right hand and sliding your left foot through. Once in the crab sit position, push hips to the ceiling and frame the head by pointing the right hand to toward the left hand on the ground. Return to crab sit position, slide left foot back to quad ped position, and repeat crawl movement to the right 10 ft. Repeat the underswitch and crab reach movements using the left hand and right foot.
Pelvic Tilts
Setup with feet about hip with apart. Doing your best to move only your pelvis, perform an anterior tilt (arch lower back; belly button away from chin) and a posterior tilt (round lower back; belly button towards chin). Perform 5-10 reps of each movement while holding the end range of each movement for approximately 5 seconds.
These movements will enhance a golfer’s ability to maintain a stable core during their swing, which can minimize your early extension and help you hit the ball further & more consistently.
Whether it be in-person or online through the Tampa Strength App, call 813-731-2901 to learn more about all the golf fitness training opportunities Tampa Strength has to offer.