4 Exercises That You Should Be Doing On Leg Day
Some people may believe that the two scariest words that their personal trainer can say to them is LEG DAY. Even if you hate workouts focused on building leg strength, it’s undeniable how beneficial they are to longevity. Numerous studies have indicated that there is a strong correlation between the strength of your legs and the likelihood that you will remain active throughout your life. The longer you stay active the lower your risk of developing serious chronic health conditions like diabetes, hypertension, dementia, etc. (source).
The trainers at Tampa Strength design customized training programs for their South Tampa clients. Improving leg strength is often an aspect of their clients’ training programs. The following videos highlight four specific exercises you’d perform at Tampa Strength if you were interested in having stronger legs.
DISCLAIMER: All these exercises should be modified to match your fitness level. All these exercises can be performed without weight/resistance.
Trap Bar Staggered Deadlift
Setup inside a trap bar with a staggered stance. Hinge at your hips and grab the trap bar handles. Perform a staggered deadlift by pushing the ground away with your feet & standing tall. Hinge at your hips to return the trap bar to the floor. Complete 5-8 repetitions then repeat the process with the opposite foot staggered back. Maintain a neutral spine position throughout the movement.
Kettlebell Goblet Hold Step Up
Stand in front of a box/step holding a kettlebell tight to your chest. Place one foot on top of the box, then step the opposite foot up. Bring the knee of the step-up leg to waist level and hold for a full second before returning it to the ground. Repeat the movement 5-10 times with each leg.
Mini Band Hydrants
Setup in a quadruped position (hands and knees). Place a medium or hard resistance mini band above both knees. Keeping your arms screwed into the ground, externally abduct one leg. Perform 10 reps then switch legs.
Kettlebell One Arm Rack Hold Lateral Lunge
Hold a kettlebell in the racked position in front of your left shoulder. Perform a lateral lunge with your right leg then return to standing. Complete 5-8 repetitions then repeat the lunges on your left leg with the kettlebell racked to your right shoulder. Keep the kettlebell tight to the body during the movement.
These 4 leg day exercises can help you have stronger legs and help you live a longer healthier life. Adjust the resistance you use based on your fitness level.
If you’re ready to experience a proper leg day, stop by our South Tampa personal training studio. Call 813-731-2901 to schedule your complimentary movement assessment and workout.a