3 Exercises That Will Help Alleviate Neck Pain
Neck pain is one of the most common ailments worldwide. In 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that nearly 222 million people worldwide experienced neck pain (source). It’s no surprise that a large portion of the individuals that come into our South Tampa studio are experiencing, or have experienced some level of neck pain.
One physical issue that can intensify neck pain is poor mobility in the spine and shoulders. The personal trainers at Tampa Strength frequently incorporate spine & shoulder mobility movements into clients’ personal training programs. Every workout program they create, for both in-person or online clients, includes movements that aim to improve the mobility and/or stability of the spine and shoulder joints. The following videos highlight 3 specific movements from Tampa Strength’s personal training program that improve spine & shoulder mobility.
A-Frame Stretch
Perform a hip hinge and place your right elbow near your right knee. Make a fist with your right hand and place it near your left knee. Point your left arm towards the floor, pull it towards your armpit, then extend it to the ceiling. Repeat movement for 5-10 reps then switch arms. Maintain hip hinge throughout movement.
This movement enhances thoracic spine mobility.
Supine Shoulder CARs off the bench
Lay down on a workout bench with your chest pointed towards the ceiling. Slowly raise one arm in front of your body with your palm facing your ear. Once you reach your anterior end range, slowly turn your palm away from your ear and continue rotating your arm to your posterior end range. Reverse the direction of the rotation and return the hand to the starting position. Make sure you keep your shoulder girdle and lower back flat on the bench. Complete 3-5 shoulder CARs with the right arm then switch arms.
This movement enhances shoulder mobility.
Shoulder external rotation stretch
Hold a golf club or broomstick in your right hand, with a thumb-down grip, behind your right shoulder. Reach across your stomach with your left hand and grab the bottom of the club. Keeping your right arm at a 90-degree angle, externally rotate your right shoulder by pulling your left hand & club forward. Hold the end range for 5-10 seconds and complete 5-10 reps on each arm.
This movement enhances shoulder mobility and scapular stability.
These movements enhance the strength, mobility, and flexibility needed to avoid neck pain.
If you’re ready to experience how Tampa Strength’s customized workout programs can benefit you, stop by our South Tampa personal training studio. Call 813-731-2901 to schedule your complimentary movement assessment and workout.