Golf Training Systems Sandbag Workout

If you haven’t incorporated sandbag training into your fitness plan, you are really missing out. It’s unique design helps the user improve flexibility, increase grip strength and build core muscles. Those are just a few of the benefits that this type of training perfect for golfers.

The workout below is taken from Tampa Strength’s online golf training program. Its contains fiver exercises that can give you the strength you need to play better golf & live a healthier life. The exercises are:


Setup with feet approximately shoulder width apart & hinge forward at the waist – grab the handles of the sandbag and pull them apart activating your scapulas – drive your hips forward & push the ground away using your feet – hinging forward at the hips allow gravity to pull the sandbag back down to the ground and repeat

Reverse Lunge with Rotation

Stand with feet shoulder width apart – step back into a reverse lunge and rotate the sandbag to the side your leg is in front – return to starting position and repeat

Staggered Row

Stand with feet in a staggered stance & hinge forward at the waist – grab the handles of the sandbag and pull them apart activating your scapulas – row the sandbag towards your chest keeping your arms tight to your body – return sandbag back to starting position and repeat

Squat with Trunk Rotation

Stand with feet shoulder width – holding sandbag tight to your chest, perform a squat – at the top of the concentric movement of the squat rotate your upper torso – rotate back to starting position and repeat

Sandbag Dead Bug

Lay flat on your back & press sandbag up over your chest using the outer handles – raise legs till soles of your feet are pointed to the ceiling – while pulling the handles of the sandbag apart, lower one leg towards the ground – return leg to starting place and repeat with other leg

Workout Format

We recommend performing 10 reps of each exercise for 4 sets. Rest for 90 seconds between sets. Make sure you alternate legs/arms between sets when necessary. Choose a sandbag weight that matches your current fitness level.

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