505, 2015

4 Unconventional Exercises to Improve your Golf Swing

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4 Unconventional Exercises to Improve Your Golf Swing Today’s modern golfer has come to realize the benefits of fitness to their golf swing. Tiger Woods brought fitness in golf to the forefront. However, its roots can be traced all the way back to Gary Player, who [...]

105, 2015

2 Tips to increase your Bench Press

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2 Tips to increase your Bench Press The Bench Press is a wildly popular exercise among gym goers and athletes alike. Unfortunately, most perform this exercise incorrectly thus being stuck pressing the same weight year in and year out or worse putting themselves at risk for [...]

2603, 2015

Check this out: Training with Sandbags!

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Check this out: Training with Sandbags! It is believed that sandbags have been used in fitness training for at least hundreds (if not thousands) of years; this makes sandbags one of the oldest forms of fitness training in existence today. And while sandbags have certainly evolved in their design [...]

2303, 2015

Key Components of a Youth Fitness Program

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Key Components of a Youth Fitness Program Constantly I am asked at what age my child should participate in a fitness program. My answer is always the same. No matter what age if it is a properly designed program the child would receive benefits. When training the youth athlete [...]

2003, 2015

Overcoming Childhood Obesity

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Overcoming Childhood Obesity  The obesity rate in today’s youth is climbing at an alarming rate. With the popularity of computer games and lack of physical education in our schools, many of our children fail to meet minimum fitness standards. Having taught Physical Education in Tampa, FL, it was sad to [...]

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