Explosive Basketball Workout
Explosive Basketball Workout This explosive basketball workout consists of four exercises that are specific to basketball performance but those with other motives could receive benefit from this routine as well. The first exercise is a Dynamax Ball Speed Skater into Single Leg [...]
Are your feet holding you back from your full athletic potential?
Are your feet holding you back from your full athletic potential? Your feet are a vital part of athletics and even your daily life. They are what we use to walk, run, jump, skip, hop, etc, etc. However if you have a problem with [...]
Speed, Agility, Quickness and POSTURE: What’s the difference and why does it matter to to youth athletes?
Speed, Agility, Quickness and POSTURE: What's the difference and why does it matter to to youth athletes? Speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) are all words used to describe good athletes and people who are “fast”. I have fast in quotations because “fast” is a [...]
The Benefits of Movement Based Training for Kids
The Benefits of Movement Based Training for Kids Have you ever watched a high level athlete, professional dancer, martial arts champion, or person who is really good at movement? They usually you have fluid, strong, balanced, and rhythmical movement. They don’t look rigid, slow, or awkward with their movements. [...]
Youth Fitness and Mobility
Youth Fitness and Mobility This young athlete starts out his workout by demonstrating some our basic exercises for youth fitness and mobility. He then moves to a walking plank which is a dynamic core exercise that is a staple in our programs. [...]
Kettlebell Shred Basic Workout
Kettlebell Shred Basic Workout This workout uses basic exercises such as the deadlift, squat and walking lunge. To increase the intensity of each exercise two kettlebells are used. For the squat and lunge, the kettlebells are held in the rack position This [...]
Kettlebell Workout for Golf
Kettlebell Workout for Golf Hit it farther and increase club head speed with this kettlebell workout for golf from Tampa Strength. This workout uses kettlebells that will help the golfer develop power and consistency in their swing. First exercise is the high [...]
Golf Performance Workout
Golf Performance Workout This golf specific workout consists of 7 exercises that are sure to enhance your athletic ability and make you a better golfer. First is the X Band walk to Pull apart. The X Band walk trains the glutes which [...]
The worst exercise ever!
The worst exercise ever! Every time I walk into a commercial gym, inevitably I see some poor soul squatting on the Smith machine. Not only is this a horrible exercise, it also is dangerous and will eventually lead to injury. Ironically, people believe the Smith machine is safe, [...]
Tampa Personal Training-chains and kettlebells
Tampa Personal Training-chains and kettlebells Changed it up and tried using chains and kettlebells in my last workout. This workout is designed to build muscle while at the same time developing the stabilizers so you can keep making progress and build a [...]
Golf Strong
Golf Strong Other Posts
Golf Performance Training
Golf Performance Training Other Posts
She's STRONG! The "She is Strong workout" uses a blend of strength and conditioning to give you a killer workout. The workout starts with some eccentric chin ups. Most women struggle with regular chin ups but this variation allows them to focus [...]
Athletic Power
Athletic Power Train for power with this new workout in our sports performance series. This workout blends strength with explosive power and finishes with some conditioning so you can dominate your opponents. First is the explosive alternating med ball push up. Be [...]
Megamad Essentials Workout Program Review
Megamad Essentials Workout Program Review Being a huge fan of unconventional training, I recently decided to try Mark de Grasse's new product, an online workout program titled Megamad Essentials. I must say, I am thoroughly impressed! Utilizing sandbags, kettlebells and bodyweight exercises Mark delivers a fat burning, [...]
Ropes and Rings Workout
Ropes and Rings Workout Other Posts
Kettle Bell Workout
KETTLE BELL WORKOUT Fun and effective kettlebell workout Other Posts
Sandbag Workout
Sandbag Workout This powerful sandbag workout is a great way to improve your strength and conditioning Other Posts
Strengthen those Glutes for a more consistent golf swing
Strengthen those Glutes for a more consistent golf swing According to the Titleist Performance Institute (TPI), glutes are the king of golf swing. Now this should not by any means underscore the importance of abdominal or upper back strength. However, power is generated from the [...]
Rory quote
Rory quote Other Posts
4 Mobility Exercises to help dominate your sport
4 Mobility Exercises to help dominate your sport An often overlooked component of athletic development is mobility. In their desire for strength most high school athletes and coaches rarely perform a proper warm up and/or cool down instead choosing to jump right in to their [...]
Invisible to do the Impossible
Invisible to do the Impossible Other Posts
Quick tips for a faster 40 yard dash
Quick tips for a faster 40 yard dash What’s your 40? this is a wildly popular question among scholastic aged athletes today. Speed is made up of two components-stride frequency and stride length. To run faster you must improve your stride frequency and/or your stride length. Below I [...]
Why young athletes should participate in multiple sports
Why young athletes should participate in multiple sports Justin Semeyn, High School state champion Pole Vaulter who also participated in football, diving and soccer. Earned a Track and Field scholarship to the University of Florida Why young athletes should play multiple sports The last [...]
Strong is the new skinny: Why women should be lifting!
Strong is the new skinny: Why women should be lifting! One of the most often mentioned reasons that women today give for not lifting weights is fear of bulking up. You or your friends may think to yourselves "I'll get too muscular if I lift very often," [...]