1809, 2016

The fallacy of ‘The Biggest Loser’ and how to effectively train obese clients

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The fallacy of 'The Biggest Loser' and how to effectively train obese clients Now airing worldwide for its 17th season, The Biggest Loser opened the door for a plethora of discussions amongst trainers, researchers, and individuals seeking long-term solutions for weight loss. The first several years, Americans were [...]

1109, 2016

Why every golfer should get a TPI Screen

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Why every golfer should get a TPI Screen More golfers, both professional and amateur, are turning to specific golf fitness programs to help give added strength, greater mobility, and overall improvement in their physical and athletic abilities with regard to their swing.Most golfers want to [...]

409, 2016

Regain motivation and get back in the gym | Tampa Strength

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Regain motivation and get back in the gym | Tampa Strength To boost your motivation, you need to address both the “you” and the situational elements of the equation. Are you training for something in particular? Do you have short-term or over arching goals? [...]

2808, 2016

The Steel Mace: Adding Strength, Power, and Mobility to Your Golf Game ​

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The Steel Mace: Adding Strength, Power, and Mobility to Your Golf Game ​ The Steel Mace adds strength, power, and mobility to your golf game. As the athleticism of golfers steadily increases, it becomes necessary to include a whole-body conditioning and exercise plan to [...]

2108, 2016

How Proper Hydration Affects Weight Loss Goals

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How Proper Hydration Affects Weight Loss Goals Many people abandon their fitness goals and efforts when they grow frustrated due to lack of results or progress. While factors such as diet and routine affect a person’s weight loss success, a commonly overlooked element of weight loss is proper [...]

708, 2016

Bridging the Gap Between the Gym and the Golf Course

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Bridging the Gap Between the Gym and the Golf Course If you haven’t noticed, professional sports is a big business. Our television stations are flooded with various games, matches, rounds, etcetera each weekend, and often during the week, too. And sports’ popularity seems to be growing exponentially every [...]

108, 2016

Basketball Performance Workout

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Basketball Performance Workout Basketball performance training designed to improve explosiveness, vertical jump, and basketball specific strength. Contact us to schedule a workout that will take your game to the next level. Other Posts

2407, 2016

How fitness training can keep you on the golf course

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How fitness training can keep you on the golf course As with most modern sports, golf is an extremely lucrative and competitive game. Professional golfers and their amateur counterparts often spend countless hours at the driving range, perfecting numerous aspects of their swing mechanics and becoming naturally [...]

1807, 2016

The Need for Performance Training in Golf

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The Need for Performance Training in Golf As with most modern sports, golf is an extremely lucrative and competitive game. Professional golfers and their amateur counterparts often spend countless hours at the driving range, perfecting numerous aspects of their swing mechanics and becoming naturally comfortable in their approach [...]

507, 2016

Core Basketball Workout

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Core Basketball Workout Basketball Core Workout Plank Opposite Arm, Opposite Leg T-Hold w/ Leg Raise Stir the Pots Defensive Stance Twists This circuit is specifically designed for core strength for basketball. The first exercise is a plank hold raising one leg while [...]

1204, 2016

Basketball: Bad defender, bad defensive stance

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Basketball: Bad defender, bad defensive stance As a basketball player you hear all the time that defense is about heart.Being good a defense is a choice, you just have to want to stop the opponents you’re playing from scoring. While there is a great deal [...]

1204, 2016

Champion Basketball Performance

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Champion Basketball Performance This circuit is specifically designed for basketball performance. The first exercises is a rotational MB Slam to Side toss. Make sure to generate power from your hip on the slam and the toss. Next in the circuit in a [...]

2903, 2016

Explosive Basketball Workout

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Explosive Basketball Workout This explosive basketball workout consists of four exercises that are specific to basketball performance but those with other motives could receive benefit from this routine as well. The first exercise is a Dynamax Ball Speed Skater into Single Leg [...]

2803, 2016

Are your feet holding you back from your full athletic potential?

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Are your feet holding you back from your full athletic potential? Your feet are a vital part of athletics and even your daily life. They are what we use to walk, run, jump, skip, hop, etc, etc. However if you have a problem with [...]

2103, 2016

Speed, Agility, Quickness and POSTURE: What’s the difference and why does it matter to to youth athletes?

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Speed, Agility, Quickness and POSTURE: What's the difference and why does it matter to to youth athletes? Speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) are all words used to describe good athletes and people who are “fast”. I have fast in quotations because “fast” is a [...]

1403, 2016

The Benefits of Movement Based Training for Kids

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The Benefits of Movement Based Training for Kids Have you ever watched a high level athlete, professional dancer, martial arts champion, or person who is really good at movement? They usually you have fluid, strong, balanced, and rhythmical movement. They don’t look rigid, slow, or awkward with their movements. [...]

2902, 2016

Youth Fitness and Mobility

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Youth Fitness and Mobility This young athlete starts out his workout by demonstrating some our basic exercises for youth fitness and mobility. He then moves to a walking plank which is a dynamic core exercise that is a staple in our programs. [...]

1202, 2016

Kettlebell Shred Basic Workout

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Kettlebell Shred Basic Workout This workout uses basic exercises such as the deadlift, squat and walking lunge. To increase the intensity of each exercise two kettlebells are used. For the squat and lunge, the kettlebells are held in the rack position This [...]

701, 2016

Kettlebell Workout for Golf

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Kettlebell Workout for Golf Hit it farther and increase club head speed with this kettlebell workout for golf from Tampa Strength. This workout uses kettlebells that will help the golfer develop power and consistency in their swing. First exercise is the high [...]

1712, 2015

Golf Performance Workout

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Golf Performance Workout This golf specific workout consists of 7 exercises that are sure to enhance your athletic ability and make you a better golfer. First is the X Band walk to Pull apart. The X Band walk trains the glutes which [...]

112, 2015

The worst exercise ever!

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The worst exercise ever! Every time I walk into a commercial gym, inevitably I see some poor soul squatting on the Smith machine.  Not only is this a horrible exercise, it also is dangerous and will eventually lead to injury.  Ironically, people believe the Smith machine is safe, [...]

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